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Things are heating up … 3rd weekly news and opinion show published

by | Feb 27, 2022

The third news and opinion show was published on the Small Town Times YouTube channel and promoted through my Facebook and Twitter social media platforms. There are posted underneath this column for your viewing pleasure.

I was going to announce the new concept for a weekly show that mixes interviews, commentary and assorted promotions in late January but felt it was better to just get it going and prove I can manage the workflow that’s required.

When things go as planned, I’ll be spring-boarding off the Tuesday effort to get my column posted on BayToday Wednesday, with an aim to get it up by noon although it’s varied between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., with the odd one saved for publication on the Thursday. I’m trying to set up interviews, either by phone or in person Wednesday beginning at noon. Initially, I figured the show would be cut and ready to post on Thursday as a regular noon hour show. It doesn’t look viable on a consistent basis as interview appointments sometimes don’t happen or are delayed.

Sauna water gets scalding hot at 200 F and sitting on the bench isn’t recommended … kinda like social media commentary these days. That is why there are no live comments at Small Town Times, it’s meant to provide a place for a quiet read and reflection. Take your time and write a letter to the editor and I can add it when the time is right.

For now I’ll have to give myself a window that’s less tight, especially during the deadline weeks for producing the Back in the Bay Magazine. For example, the Spring 2022 edition deadline for ads and content is March 17 for an April 1 circulation target. With three shows under my belt, I can say the weekly schedule works but the uploads will be done anytime between noon Thursday and sometime Saturday. Perhaps after April 1, I’ll be able to find that sweet spot for getting it online.

Those who subscribe to Dave Dale’s Small Town Times YouTube channel will see new uploads in their suggested viewing options but if you hit the bell you’ll actually get an email notification.

Hopefully, I’ll get better at posting them on this website as well so those who accept notifications will get an email when there is new content. I realize I’ve been less than impressive in providing fresh content here. I think it has something to do with getting burned out with the other stuff on social media and BayToday I do and website work has been last on the list. I hope to rectify that and thank you for your patience in this regard. Almost all the pieces are in place for me to be more regular … I’ve also changed my diet to get more ruffage and less sugar, so things are certain to go more smoothly in 2022 than whatever we want to call the two years that proceeded today.

If you have feedback on the shows below or would like a specific issue covered, please email: [email protected]


Dave Dale

Writer, photographer and proud father. My mom's family is from the Soo with its Algoma Highlands, dad hailed from Cobden in the Ottawa Valley and I spent my teen years in Capreol. Summers were at the beach on the Vermillion River and winters at 'The Rink.' Born in East York but Toronto never was my thing. Ever since a kid looking out the window on long trips, I imagined living on the highway in a little house with a big yard and trees growing all around me.

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Pam Handley Pat Madill Stamp
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