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5th ‘News & Views’ show finds its stride

by | Mar 12, 2022

The 5th episode of my “Small Town News & Views” show is closer to the style I’m looking to produce on a weekly basis. There’s a bit of editorial commentary, a splattering of humour and short promos of the longer feature interviews posted to the YouTube channel. I’m trying to pull out shorter clips for sharing on social media as well, and it seems to be growing the exposure.

Several of the interviews are actually the homework for features that will be going in the Back in the Bay Magazine, like the J Houston Band piece on the Milestones album, Gerry Mendicino’s Five The Dionnes musical coming July 3-4 and the Arlie Hoffman artists spotlight as he prepares for his exhibition at the Callander Bay Museum and Alex Dufresne Gallery April 23 to May 21.

What is missing so far is getting matching stories posted here on the website in a timely manner. But I’m trying and it is coming together slowly. In the meantime, if you subscribe to the YouTube channel and hit the ‘bell’ icon you’ll get notifications whenever video interviews are posted.

As an example of what goes with the social media postings and in the descriptions of the videos on YouTube, here’s a cut and paste of the info:

This week’s commentary touches on Ontario’s looming “masklessness”, my Ukrainian side and my prediction about Lake Nipissing ice, plus some promo of the feature interviews: the philosophy of painter Arlie Hoffman, the latest with RFPMedia Globe Trotter Richard Fortin, Nipissing First Nation Chief Scott McLeod about long-term care beds at Cassellholme, and a fundraiser through the song River of Tears by Allister Thompson (see this like for the story behind the song… ). Nipissing U’s women’s hockey playoff game Saturday and West Ferris Ringette hosting regionals this weekend.

Arlie Hoffman full interview:

Chief Scott McLeod full interview:…

Richard Fortin full interview:…

Allister Thompson full audio interview:

Hoping to do individual stories for the website eventually

One of the benefits of doing the video interviews, editing them in the production phase and posting them to YouTube is the transcript that is generated, which saves me from using the subscription transcription service and the associated costs. It also provides a time stamp that can be useful for when there are many topics mentioned. There is a way to slice up the video to see where new topics start and provide that as a table of content in the description, something I’ll figure out in time.

Welcome to the Small Town Times ‘News & Views’ podcast for March 11th….
It’s the second anniversary of the COVID pandemic and Ontario’s celebrating by taking its mask mandates down and we’re gonna go for it …
um word to the wise I think you might want to be polite to the people that are still wearing masks because there’s a lot of people who are vulnerable and they don’t want to get COVID, they don’t want to be long haulers they don’t even want to be “naturally immune” because natural immunity means you’ve been sick and it’s a systemic viral infection.
We don’t know what’s going to go on…

It’s daylight savings time again on Saturday, it’s time to spring ahead … or if you’re like me don’t do anything because you didn’t change your clock in the first place … I’m now going to be on time

As mentioned last week, I’m part Ukrainian, unfortunately it’s the eyebrow part and you’ll see what that means with this picture …

spring is in the air

that means pretty soon
local north bay media are going to do
the ice off story
i wonder when the ice is going to be off
we’ve been counting the ice for 100
years it’s off sometime in april once in a while in may

I did quite a few interviews this week i have artist Arlie Hoffman, who’s the best interview his outlook and perspective on art and life is refreshing

as an 83 year old he’s still going

strong he’s got an upcoming show in at

the calendar bay museum in may here’s a

clip of him saying something very


(Arlie Hoffman clip of him talking, part of the longer interview:)
The thing about my life is my family first, my job was second and painting was third, however, painting is, as I mentioned in a show I gave a talk about, it was a tonic for my soul it was a great relief after working to be able to have my art as a diversion.

I also had a chance to interview Richard Fortin he was just back from Germany he’s heading down to Texas he’s going to the south by something or other film festival apparently it’s a big deal

and that’s what i’m doing now so i’m just packing up and you snagged me in
the hallway here as i was walking by so
i’m really happy to share with everybody that’s happening

i also traveled out to sturgeon and had

a little sit down with chief scott
mcleod he gave me the background on why
they’re even involved with the castle
reconstruction project he was in the

news this week there was a little bit of

a fubar about

the board representation

so uh

i haven’t seen the update yet but i

think he was having a little discussion

with uh vic fideli the mpp for nipissing

uh they’ll sort it out i also asked

chief scott mccloud about the fishery

and uh

he gave a little bit of an insight

right here

are we gonna have an early uh spawn or


well uh i i you know judging you know i

i’m really only going by by by what i

feel in my bones that

that spring breakup will happen uh quite

fast uh anecdotally uh you know we’re

seeing um we’ve seen some

good winter fishing over

the course of the last few months which

is a obviously a good indication of

some of the work and measures that we’ve


putting in place to


the fishery to to grow to a healthier

population our community


the stakes involved in


you know

managing proper uh

proper fishery


issues and you know

they they also see the benefits and uh

you know we’ve been building a strong

fishery for the last uh seven years

since um 2015 when things look pretty


we’ve turned it around it’s

it’s not at a

full um

you know full-blown position where it

could be

there’s always room for for a little

more improvement

um but having said that um you know i

think uh we’re we’re looking at another

uh good year of

of um

walleye stocks in the lake and that just

benefits everybody in the long run and

uh you know what what’s what’s good

for nipissing first nation is is good

for everybody else around in the region

one of my interviews this week was with

a gentleman named aleister thompson he’s

uh lives in north bay for the last

little while he’s got some connections

but he wrote a song about the racism in

thunder bay and he hopes to bring some

more attention to it and raise some

money for the thunder bay indigenous

friendship center so

it’s not always easy when a

non-indigenous person wants to help out

in these areas it’s a step of

reconciliation though it’s an effort

in sports this weekend uh we have the

nipissing lakers women’s hockey team not

the ladies hockey team not the lady

lakers not the girls

the women’s hockey team

they’re taking on ryerson as part of the

second round play off seven o’clock

saturday memorial garden also this

weekend uh the west ferris ringed

association is hosting the regionals

they haven’t been able to have

tournaments for a couple years they’re

gonna have a good time they’re at the

west ferris and pete palangio arenas

with championships on sunday go on out

and support the ring at players my

cousin kenny and i were ice fishing last

weekend we rented uh

ice hut out near the south shore from

snowfarey and we had a good time

the rain that came in saturday kind of

shut down all the biting it seems but uh

we got enough fish for a couple uh a

couple little leads fishing’s over march


on lake nipissing

got to get your hut off by the end of

the month and you better move soon

because it’s going to be a

puddle out there

Dave Dale

Writer, photographer and proud father. My mom's family is from the Soo with its Algoma Highlands, dad hailed from Cobden in the Ottawa Valley and I spent my teen years in Capreol. Summers were at the beach on the Vermillion River and winters at 'The Rink.' Born in East York but Toronto never was my thing. Ever since a kid looking out the window on long trips, I imagined living on the highway in a little house with a big yard and trees growing all around me.

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