I really felt the need to talk to my mom before sharing the Mother's Day podcast with Echo's Lisa Boivin and Scott Clark, where we bare a bunch of deep stuff for the 'To North Bay With Love' episode released Thursday. Missing was some more context and updated info so...
Strong women and Nipissing Junction history highlighted
Just in time for Mother's Day, the Small Town Times interview with Lori Laporte focusses on the strong women in her family. It dove tails well with the Back in the Bay Magazine's Spring 2024 feature on Nipissing Junction history (republished in full below with some...
‘I Won’t Remember Her’
In the depths of sickness and wilting under mounting tasks, the heart and mind mix fears, hopes and regrets into vivid dreams that are difficult to decipher. This week, as my fever broke, I awoke soaked with sweat and eyes welling with tears. A lucid sequence remained...
My ice-off prediction is …
I'm not eligible for the Ferris Business Network's Lake Nipissing Ice Off contest prize package, but I have some juicy insight into the long-time tradition of guessing when the last frozen piece melts into spring. If I wrote one story I wrote 10 of them during my 18...
There’s a pot of gold somewhere …
There's no time to write this. Magazine deadline is dove-tailing with newsletter deadlines in the midst of December madness. It takes this much to get that adrenaline rush, if you know what I mean. Huffing on time constraints and cascading work loads is a bad habit,...
To each their own …
For those who still eat meat, the price of steak makes it a luxury item on most budgets. Fortunately, I don't eat much these days and can get by with small portions. Keeping trim is essential. These strip loin grilling steaks cost $12.20 for label weight of .554...
$36K integrity investigation raises questions about freedom of speech constraints
Small Town Times editor talks with former deputy mayor and veteran former councillor about North Bay City Council decision to punish member following integrity commissioner investigation. Sheldon Forgette, was 23 when his 2014 election success vaulted him into the...
Media literacy is vital
Journalism starts out subjective because humans make choices when telling a story. Objectivity is a choice in how you reflect pertinent points, with the economy of time and resources in mind. The Postmedia News article linked below provides a timely example of how...
NorthBayEcho.ca is like free community TV, radio and news all rolled up together
North Bay will be the starting point of the Echo Community Podcast Network, which unveiled its premiere show and digital newsletter at the North Bay Museum Sept. 14. Small Town Times (along with its flagship publication, Back in the Bay Magazine) is part of the...
Happy 83rd birthday Mike de Moree
My college photography teacher Mike de Moree turned 83 years old today and I was happy to post a video of us talking about his life and interests, specifically what he considers when creating art. We talked for about an hour and a bit, although I cut out a bunch to...