People have all sorts of relationships they navigate through daily. Some last a lifetime, while others come and go. No two are exactly the same, which can be good and bad, as we juggle the unique needs in each one. We expect something out of our connections with...
I used to enjoy fishing. There was something calming about the rhythm of casting, retrieving, casting again. A little rush of adrenaline when something took the bait. Taking care not to lose the fish I tricked into chasing something too good to be true. Once upon a...
From YOW to YYZ, from YYZ to YQR, YQR and it’s back to YYZ, from YYZ to YOW. Oh where am I now? (With apologies to 10CC) It was all I could do to not hug everyone in the airport. Everyone. My favourite check-in person (told her I missed her), fellow passengers, lounge...
I’ve got a thing for firewood. My wife knows it. When we’re driving through the country, and she sees a long row of firewood, she looks at me and says, “You’re thinking about that firewood, aren’t you?” She knows me too well. I’ve got a load of wood in the back yard...