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Kindergarten: The Adventure Begins

Kindergarten: The Adventure Begins

In the lazy days of the summer of 1947, mom started to speak to me about how much fun it was going to be in school. When I started. This Fall. In kindergarten. At some point it dawned on me that this school business wasn’t a subject she was going to drop. Determined...

Doctor in the house

Doctor in the house

When people contemplate small town life in the 1950s, there's a nostalgic tendency to think that folks back then knew all their neighbors and that social life revolved around those people – a mental picture reinforced by movies set in that era. So you might be...

Early life on Copeland Street

Early life on Copeland Street

With its wooden clapboard siding and wraparound porch, the house that our family moved into on Copeland Street in 1945 was an iconic small-town residence - the kind moviemakers seek out to convey a nostalgic ambiance. Think "The Waltons". Ubiquitous domestic...

Earliest North Bay memories were ‘saucy’

Earliest North Bay memories were ‘saucy’

Let me start with a little North Bay history, before my parents arrived there in May of 1941. By that time, it had grown significantly and was beginning to shed its ‘frontier town’ roots. Because of its location on waterways, North Bay was an ideal location for the...

‘Recollections’ new magazine column

‘Recollections’ new magazine column

My name is Ian Saunders. I was born in North Bay in 1942, and lived there for two decades. I’ve put down some recollections, and will share these memories here in the Back in the Bay magazine. These are adaptations of chapters compiled over a number of years, which I...