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Heritage Matters by Pam Handley

Pandemic isolation brings back war memories

Pandemic isolation brings back war memories

Many of our older generation have begun drawing parallels between the Covid-19 pandemic and the Second World War, including having to queue or line up for food last year. In England, during the war, we found safety in the underground train stations or the bomb shelter...

Voyageurs paddled, portaged through Nipissing history

Voyageurs paddled, portaged through Nipissing history

Must admit, I didn’t remember much Canadian history from school when I began working at the North Bay Museum in 1980. That all changed when I was introduced to Murray Leatherdale’s book, From Brule to Booth. It became my other bible for the next 15 years. This...

Airport memories soar across the decades

Airport memories soar across the decades

When moving to North Bay from London, Ontario, in 1957 one of the first places Dad took us to visit was the North Bay Airport. The Department of Transport had begun to construct it two decades earlier. Years later our own family always attended the air shows, along...

Museum memories flow from Riverbend to Main

Museum memories flow from Riverbend to Main

Getting off the bus on Lakeshore Drive, walking down Riverbend Road and then the long driveway to the North Bay Museum was beautiful during the autumn of 1980 when I first began. The building, you may remember, was originally a two room school house. The Museum took...

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