Found some of my shots of NDA hockey from few decades ago when I was still souping film in the Canadore College photo lab. I was using a single shot, thumb crank Minolta with the cheapest black and white film on the market. It came with a 110 lens that had scratches...
Back in the Bay Magazine’s latest news
The first three editions of the Back in the Bay Magazine have rolled off the Beatty Printing press. Many thanks to the advertisers, subscribers and story contributors for making the 2021 launch successful. Work is already underway on the fourth magazine with the...
Summer Edition of magazine taking shape
The Summer Edition of the Back in the Bay Magazine is coming together this week with several features taking shape and ad deadlines looming. One of the stories is about Bud Berry, retired chief photographer for the Nugget. He had a unique career after serving as an...
Name the porpoise at the Kiwanis Playground
One of those #52coffee networking meetings turned into a two-hour conversation that covered local and global topics in the shade of Lee Park trees at the Kiwanis Playground the other day. Ralph Celentano and I just couldn’t stop sharing community involvement tales and...
Best 24 hours in a long time
Victoria Day doesn't mean a whole lot to me other than the first long weekend of the summer. I'm not a monarchist, far from it to be honest. The 2021 holiday, however, will go down in my book of history as one of the best 24 hours I ever spent with my son, Dylan. It...
Grandma returns every spring
The robins are back, lured north early by a warm spell. It’s a welcome song to hear after a Covid winter. Simple things seem all the better when the weather has been foul. The first robin in my yard is always named Hilda, after my Grandma Dale. I wrote the piece below...
My little guy follows his heart
Dylan Dale came home for a visit the summer before the COVID pandemic to tell me about a new direction for his life. I always love seeing my son, doesn't matter what surprise might be in store. He stood by me when my ship was dragging bottom a few years back, not the...
Dad loved a good laugh
Among the many things I picked up from my Dad was a firm belief there’s a time to be serious, a time to have fun and sometimes it’s best to just have some serious fun. And from what I could tell, Deirl Alvin Dale much preferred a good chuckle to anything more intense...