The 5th episode of my "Small Town News & Views" show is closer to the style I'm looking to produce on a weekly basis. There's a bit of editorial commentary, a splattering of humour and short promos of the longer feature interviews posted to the YouTube channel....
Things are heating up … 3rd weekly news and opinion show published
The third news and opinion show was published on the Small Town Times YouTube channel and promoted through my Facebook and Twitter social media platforms. There are posted underneath this column for your viewing pleasure. I was going to announce the new concept for a...
VIDEO STORY: Old-school Pinball all the rage
The pandemic and isolation over the past couple of years has ignited a returning interest in arcade games for recreation rooms at home, making Mike Hall's Northern Arcade & Pinball Services a hot commodity. See the video story below. Hall, a retired Canadian navy...
Do immigration stories make you angry?
My first journalism instructor at Canadore College also writes columns for Village Media's BayToday and he mentioned me in a January 18 piece. Don Curry, an immigration consultant, highlighted a suggestion that Canada needs to triple its population and immigration is...
North Bay’s 43rd consecutive Christmas Bird Count
A Belted Kingfisher finally showed up at the North Bay Christmas Bird Count with 42 species recorded Saturday, December 18, 2021. Last year, a Wild Turkey and Peregrine Falcon were the newbies on the list even though none are new to the area. It was the area’s 43rd...
Links for all 2021 columns published through BayToday
Below are links to my columns published at during 2021: Dec. 1 Plot thickens on political fronts The Probity Report was made public this week as we learned the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care approved the $122-million Cassellholme project. Dec. 8...
More depth to the Nipissing Warriors story
There’s a bigger story surrounding the Nipissing Warriors hockey legacy and its role in the community’s progression ever since. The 800-word feature in the Back in the Bay’s Winter Edition barely scratches the surface, although it's nice to see the 1972 before and...
Winter Edition steams into December
All roads lead to rail and Back in the Bay Magazine steamed into the Winter Edition with a respectful nod to the area's track foundations. On the front cover, the 701 marks the End of an Era as the Ontario Northland converted to diesel electric in 1957. The editorial...
Miss Nica and Honeybee a winning combo
A heart-warming tale of two dogs won the 2021 Back in the Bay Magazine’s Pet Portrait Painting by artist Joe Cundari. Kim Allaire initially submitted a photo and story about her Miss Nica. A therapy dog that loved to visit long term care residents, she had passed away...
Every action shot has a story to tell
North Bay Centennials power forward Shawn Antoski battles North Bay product Todd Gleason of the Hamilton Dukes for the puck at Memorial Gardens during the 1989-90 season. I was working for the North Bay Independent weekly newspaper as the sports editor at the time....